Access & Visitation Locations
The Office of the Attorney General does not endorse the service providers listed in the directory of Access and Visitation community resources. The list is provided for informational purposes only. Those interested in the services listed here should determine for themselves whether the providers and their services are suitable for their needs.
This map lists the Child Support Access and Visitation Programs for which the Attorney General's office has address information. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of this information.

Ally Family Services
3307 W. Alberta Rd., Ste. 3329
Edinburg, TX 78539
26.25919, -98.20547
Directions | Zoom
Institute of Rural Development, Inc.
915 S 9th
Kingsville, TX 78363
27.4961, -97.8425
Directions | Zoom
Angels Monitoring of South Texas
601 Williamson Place
Corpus Christi, Texas. 78411
Corpus Christi, Texas. 78411
Corpus Christi , TX 78411
27.75005, -97.422722
Directions | Zoom
Nueces County Neighborhood Justice, Inc., d/b/a Dispute Resolution Services
Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard St., Rm 401.2
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
27.8028475, -97.4002872
Directions | Zoom
The Harbor Children's Alliance & Victim Center
215 W. Railroad
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
28.61598, -96.623583
Directions | Zoom